Imagine, your best friend, your sister, or even your teenage child, is mindlessly scrolling through Instagram or Facebook whenever they get a few seconds of downtime, and is bombarded with unrealistic beauty standards in the form of photoshopped celebrities or stick thin fashion models filling up their feeds, leading them to feel discomforted and...

Philosophy encompasses a myriad of theories seeking to explain the seemingly unsolvable mysteries of existence. It is therefore only natural that it would seek to answer the dilemma of consciousness.

I believe free speech is one of the most fundamental things that we can have as a society, and should be protected, as it is the backbone to political debate and sharing opinions with others. I think free speech is something that many take for granted, and don't know how lucky they are to have it protected under law, when...

An ongoing curiosity for physics has driven me into the depths of particle physics, once again. This time, I decided to share my findings with the readers of the magazine (perhaps to save you some time, just in case you were, too, wondering why on earth does antimatter need to exist?!). Physics enthusiasts, this one is for you.

Taking a seat, the lights dim, and the audience is told that the show will commence in a few moments. The cover of my notebook is flicked back, exposing the naked front page waiting to be imprinted with a scribble of opinions, and the cap of my biro is pressed firmly on the opposite end. But even as the show...

Nottingham's rising star, Kate Lewis, sat down with me to discuss her experiences within the performing industry and working as part of the Nottingham Shakespeare Company, with an exclusive, behind-the-scenes glimpse at their latest production, The Winter's Tale. Within the interview, Kate discusses her perspective both as an actor and costume...

2022 in Review


When considering the year that has just passed, many events spring to mind; the political tumult around the globe, but especially in this country, the return of war to Europe, the death of the Queen and of the former Pope. However, as we sit here in retrospect it is easy to forget key events, and I at least find that...

Pilgrim Pete - 401 Lake St, Sitka, AK 99835
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